Many people dream of taking part in a loved one’s wedding as a bridesmaid. While shopping for a bridesmaid dress can be exciting, not all dresses are worth celebrating. Like everything in life, however, there are good and bad choices when it comes to dress selection. We’ve collected a series of truly appalling bridesmaid dresses that will make you want to RSVP “no” to these weddings.
Tinker Belles
We know comparing these bridesmaid dresses to Tinker Bell is most insulting to her but it’s possible that the Disney character was the inspiration here. Obviously, the dressmaker did a failed job of following on from the ideation stage.

Both dresses are ill-fitted and frumpy, and belong better on a stage for a child’s show than on a wedding aisle. We know we’re sounding way harsh but we did prepare you ahead of time that we’re not showing you these pictures for copying purposes.
Something Blue
It’s rather customary at weddings for the bride to wear something borrowed, something new and something blue. The ‘old’ stands for continuity, while the ‘new’ looks to the future with optimism, and the color blue supposedly represents fidelity.

This bride chose to rather dress her bridesmaids in what we can only view as old, blue and hopefully borrowed. With any luck, as soon as the wedding finished these ladies were able to return these dresses back to the costume shop.
Butterfly Fly Away
You know that Hannah Montana song “Butterfly Fly Away?” Well, that’s exactly what we’d wish these bridesmaid dresses would do — fly far away! While we do like the butterfly necklaces, the bride should have stopped there with her wing obsession.

These multicolored and poncho-caped dresses are giving us a headache. Plus, the balls of flowers held like handbags aren’t adding any points to their overall result. If we were rating this bridesmaid party, we’d have to give them a hard 1/10.
Two Broke Belles
In case you haven’t realized, these bridesmaids are in fact Max and Carole from the hit sitcom series 2 Broke Girls. Funny enough, the state of the dresses kind of gave away that title.

We know we sound a little harsh but we can’t help but think that they look like Disney’s Belle but on a tight budget. And if they thought the flower hats would help distract audiences from their frilly dresses, they’re sorely mistaken. Sorry, not sorry!
On Wednesdays, We Wear Pink!
We’re inserting that famous line from Mean Girls here because we need some comic relief after analyzing yet another crazy ugly set of bridesmaid dresses. If the fuchsia pink and poofy dresses weren’t enough, the accessories added another layer of bad.

The first crime is the matching hats with veils, followed by the white gloves, and lastly — the ribbon streamers coming from the flower bouquets. We’d sue if we had to wear this on any day!
Ombre Your Hair, Not Dress!
Nowadays, when women want to dye their hair a different color they often go for an ombre hairstyle. What this does is give us a nice two-toned color effect. While we definitely promote this for our heads, the same cannot be said for our bodies.

Especially when it comes to bridesmaid dresses! Whoever thought these princess-cut pink-to-orange ball gowns would be appropriate probably needs an eye checkup and a guide on wedding dress codes.
Let Them Wear Pink
It appears that pink is a popular color for bridesmaid dresses and while we actually like this choice of color, that’s where it starts and ends. Also, we’ve yet to find a frilly dress that doesn’t look frumpy so why people still choose them we’ll never understand.

Lastly, let’s discuss these matching headdresses. As if it wasn’t a lot already to have all the bridesmaids in pink and holding pink flowers, now their heads need it too. Brides need to remember that cliche but true saying of “Less is more.”
Woke Up Like This
Blue is such a versatile and pleasant color that it’s hard to go wrong with it. But just because something is difficult, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. These beautiful bridesmaids’ dresses remind us of nightgowns — not exactly wedding-appropriate attire!

And let’s play devil’s advocate for a moment and say that the dresses are made into longer versions. Then, would we like them for a bridal party? Truthfully, no. Black lace doesn’t really ever fit a wedding dress code.
Vegas Bridesmaids
These bridesmaids look like Vegas showgirls. So, while this is great for us to laugh at, we wonder how the women felt wearing them… It flags a tricky question. If you were a bridesmaid, would you wear whatever the bride told you to?

We understand how strong peer pressure can be but we certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable as adults walking out in public and wearing puffy tulle skirts with tight corsets.
Curtain Dresses
Okay, we know what must have happened here. Clearly, the real bridesmaid dresses didn’t arrive on time so these creative women put on their DIY hats and used their own gold curtains. Considering it was an emergency, we’d say job well done!

However, if in the case that these ruffled dresses were chosen on purpose, you know where we stand. We wouldn’t want to be caught dead in them but hey, each to their own.
Prom Bridesmaids
We truly had to do a second take on this picture because we thought these were prom dresses. Not only do the bridesmaids look very young but the cut, style and color of the dresses didn’t indicate any wedding.

Ultimately, if the bride is happy with the dresses then that’s all that matters, right? Yeah, well maybe that should be the case but after seeing these inappropriate dresses we’d like to implement some laws when it comes to wedding dress code.
Flower Bombs
You know those flower bombs that you add to your bath? Yes, they’re a great choice for a gift. Who doesn’t like their bath to look and smell good? But, with that being said, we don’t need to create life-size versions of them.

Also, the fact that these bridesmaid dresses remind us of something that we wash ourselves with is a problem in and of itself. Bless the bride who organized these but we hope she never designs anything again.
Here Comes the Bride?
None of these bridesmaid dresses make sense. Why would you wear white? Which one is the bride? Not only do they all resemble wedding dresses, but none of them are also particularly nice.

From the strange cuts to the overuse of materials and frills, our eyes actually hurt. The bride is just lucky to have friends who’ll put up with this. We’d call in sick on the wedding day if we had to wear these!
A Picnic Party
We get that not everyone can or wants to do a fancy wedding. In fact, many times the more relaxed weddings are the most enjoyable. But with that being said, whoever thought to use picnic blankets as fabric for wedding dresses was out of their right mind.

The mustaches are just as confusing. Perhaps this is all just one big joke from a show like MTV’s Punk’D? Then we could wrap our brains around this ‘fashion’ that we’re seeing. The world would make some sense again, right?
The Marshmallow Girls
Considering some of the previous tragedies, this bridal party is the least of our fashion worries. At least the young girls look cute in their pink tutu dresses and feathered Alice Bands, right?

Sure, they resemble marshmallows that we’d prefer to eat rather than see as dress inspiration. Just remember, this collection is the best of the worst and we’ll settle for these over butterfly or curtain-looking dresses.
Spot the Bride
There’s a reason why they say you shouldn’t wear white to a wedding. Here is your visual evidence of why. Who’s who here? We’re confused about whose a bride, groom, best man or woman? Surely we shouldn’t have this many questions!

Unless triplets chose to marry on the same day, this should never happen. Bridesmaids should wear a different color to the bride and the groomsmen shouldn’t wear the exact same suit as the groom.
‘Tis the Season
Themed weddings aren’t uncommon. Winter weddings are even considered to be trendy. However, this bridal party look more like characters in a show than bridesmaids, right?

Unless these women are auditioning for an upcoming Austin Powers movie, we’d tell them to take those outfits off and keep them hidden far away. Perhaps they’d do well in the basement, next to the emergency supplies!
Super Bridesmaids
While we do agree that women are superheroes, that doesn’t mean that they need to dress up like them for weddings. Even without the lame masks, red capes, and random Tom’s espadrilles, the dresses aren’t helping much either.

The only logical reason these ladies dressed like this is if the bride decided to let her 4-year-old plan her wedding. But we will say this, as strange and unflattering as these outfits are, everyone seems to be in great spirits.
Drink, Anyone?
We’re curious to know what made this woman choose this ensemble. Perhaps it’s because wedding days are often stressful and she feels the best way to combat that is with beverages. While we like her thinking, did she need to make herself the drinks bar?

We’ll let you guys be the judge of this one… Our job is more to be the fashion police and if we had to rate her princess dress underneath, we’d have to fine her. Sorry, not sorry!
Pajama Party
There’s so much going on in this photo that it’s hard to say what’s the worst part. For starters, the furry head pieces need to go. And we understand this is a throwback picture but those hairstyles were probably never in style.

Last but certainly not least, the pink and purple silk outfits. In our opinion, the only garments that this fabric and color should be for is cute pajama sets for girly sleepovers. We’ll leave it at that!
Dress-Up Day
It’s hard to tell what sort of a party this is. Is this a themed birthday, a Halloween get-together, or a wedding? The only indication that it is actually a bridal party is because of what the bride is wearing. We think it’s great that so many brides are into fairies and butterflies.

After all, for many of us, these creatures were part of our sweet childhood memories. However, that doesn’t mean to say we need to incorporate them into our adult life, never mind our wedding day! It’s time to grow up, ladies.
Bridal Grooms
At first glance, it looks like you’re seeing a picture of the bride with the groomsmen. Except, these aren’t the groomsmen. It’s the bridal party. Now, you have to admit, this was a forward-thinking idea from the olden days.

The bride was empowering women way ahead of her time. Sadly, the execution wasn’t done correctly. The outfits are ill-fitted and the bride’s dress looks like more of a lunch lady attire than a wedding dress.
Recycling Trash Bags
Now, please don’t get us wrong, we think recycling is so important and we love when people implement environmentally-friendly ideas. However, we draw the line at this. Your bridal party should never look like they’ve used trash bags to make their dresses!

If the bride is tight on budget or is an environmentalist, there’s nothing wrong with renting the dresses from a second-hand shop. But, these DIY dresses look more like a science project than wedding attire.
The Victorian Era
There are beautiful and tasteful ways to do a homage to Victorian time. However, this is not the way. These flowerpot hats look like they’re made for synchro swimmers rather than bridesmaids and the layered dresses remind us of a wedding cake design.

While we love and appreciate cake and synchro swimming, we most definitely don’t want our outfits to reflect them. We really wish we could end off our sass with saying something nice about this bridal party, but then we’d be lying.
A Devout Following
We can understand that some weddings are more religious than others. And this generally means is that the bridal party dresses more modestly. Though, what we’re seeing here is just confusing. Are you also getting cultish vibes from it?

On an unrelated note, why would the bride want her bridesmaids dressed in white lace? Surely she wants to be the only one dressed that way for her special day?
A Merry Awakening
It appears Christmas came early with this wedding party. This bride clearly loves this time of the year, so much so that she got her bridesmaids to dress up like Mrs. Claus. Shame, those poor women!

We can tell through their fake smiles that they’re cringing having to wear these dresses as bridesmaid gowns. We understand that it’s the bride’s day but surely one of her closest could have given her tough love when designing these garments.
Green With No Envy
If you were a fan of the teen drama Buffy the Vampire Slayer, then you might already recognize these green bridesmaids’ dresses from Anya and Xander’s wedding. If you know the show but don’t remember these outfits, that also makes perfect sense.

We would also try to bury this memory! So, why are these dresses a no-no? Firstly, the loud green doesn’t work for a wedding, the rose badges are for grannies and we can’t bear to look at the frill design.
Fairy Bride-Mothers
Have you ever heard of a fairy bride-mother? Of course not, because it’s not a thing! The fairy godmothers out there must be kicking themselves over this lame mockery. Had the ladies just had the flower crowns, we would have been on the same page.

But no, they had to be all extra with these heinous champagne-colored capes and dresses. Also, the bride isn’t doing herself any favors with her veiled cape dress.
Pastel Princesses
Who doesn’t love pastels? Well, this bride certainly does. She ensured her bridal party was decked out in all colors of the pastel rainbow. However, what she probably didn’t realize was that her bridesmaids totally overshadow her.

It’s an unwritten law that no one should upstage the bride but it seems as if this particular one didn’t want to be in the limelight. While we don’t agree with her decision, ultimately it’s her wedding day and as long as she was happy, that’s what counts!
A Disney Wedding
Every girl wants to be a Disney princess. This bride is no different. Oh, if you’re struggling to spot her, we don’t blame you! As sweet as it is to take a trip down memory lane seeing all these Disney characters, a wedding is most definitely not the place for costume dress-up.

But, one useful thing about being one of these bridesmaids is that now, they don’t have to go shopping for Halloween. If you look at it from that angle, the bride saved them a few bucks.
The Rocker Chics
It takes a truly confident woman to let her bridesmaids steal the show with their outfits. By dressing them in black leather pants and black-veiled spiky headpieces, she has taken all the attention off of herself.

Either way, this is an entertaining photo to analyze. From the large bouquet flowers to the white gloves, poofy sleeves, and bizarre headpieces — we just can’t get enough! How we wish we were a fly on the wall at this wedding.
A Wedding and a Funeral
An all-black outfit is one for the books. Black is both bold and beautiful. It’s hard to go wrong with black. These bridesmaid dresses are rather sophisticated and we love the matching chokers. However, they just don’t seem appropriate for such a happy day.

Perhaps we’re being old-fashioned. Nowadays, brides themselves wear black instead of white and no one is too stringent on old customs. But, with that being said, doesn’t this gothic look take away from the wedding bliss?
The Sunflower Girls
Nothing about these bridesmaids’ dresses was done correctly. Absolutely nothing. The dresses look like they were made from upholstery fabric. Why would you put your loved ones through this? And can you imagine saying yes to wearing this?

The hats are ridiculous, too! If the bride that they would distract from the ugly dresses, she thought wrong. Even the poor flower girls look like they were forced to wear those mobcaps. Their cuteness made up for this whole disaster.
Take a ‘Bow’-L
It takes a long time to process this image. It’s hard to find just one wrong thing about it. We have so many questions like who in their right mind thought the giant red bows would be a success? And why are they wearing flower crowns?

We’re trying desperately hard to find a redeeming factor but we’re failing to no end. If any of you can think of something nice with these bridesmaids’ dresses, please let us know!
How Dotty!
So far, we have yet to see a bridal party wearing sun hats that look good. Our official conclusion is that bridesmaids just shouldn’t wear hats. Another important rule we’d like to implement is that they shouldn’t use dress fabric that looks like curtains.

There’s a reason why curtain dresses have never been a thing in fashion history and probably never will! We don’t mean to add on more critique here but even the fit of these dresses is unflattering.
Layers Upon Layers
From our understanding, the bride wanted her bridal party to look like wedding cakes. Now, don’t get us wrong. We sure do love cake and the bigger the better, but not as a dress!!! Judging from some of these bridesmaids’ faces, they agree with us.

However, we do have to say that the bride looks absolutely lovely on her big day. The lace veil is so sophisticated and the dress fits her like a glove. If only she paid a little more attention to her bridesmaids!
More Is More
This bride is clearly an over-the-top person. From the massive princess gowns with all their tulle to her tiara and sparkling necklace, she wanted her wedding to be one that was remembered.

And she definitely got her wish, but not for the reasons she thinks. They all look like something out of an old prom movie. Imagine how much tulle it took to make all these dresses? Enough to fill a ballroom we bet!
A Touch of Pink
Where do we begin? Let’s start with a compliment. Okay, this is proving to be harder than we thought. Well, we do love the color bubble-gum pink so we’ll say that. However, that’s where our admiration ends. We strongly dislike everything else!

Let’s put it this way – if these bridesmaids were dressing up for a costume party, we’d accept it. Since we know they’re actually part of a bridal party, we’ll just end with one simple question. What was this bride thinking?
Power Ranger Party
Remember the Power Rangers franchise? Those multi-colored superheroes were all the hype in the late ’90s and early 2000s. With that being said, just because something provided us with a great childhood memory doesn’t mean it should be incorporated into our wedding!

Yes, we sound like total haters but you can’t honestly tell us that you find this bridal party looks coordinated and cool? The words that come to our mind consist of “hot mess,” “color explosion,” and “please stop!”
Flower Power
We like looking through old clothes because there’s always such sentimental value. It looks as if these bridesmaids decided to hold onto their grandma’s drapes by wearing them to this wedding. Yea, that was meant to sting.

We’re all for peace, love, and flower power but this is just not the way to do it. Never mind the purple paisley fabric — the style of the dress with the high neck and poofy sleeves is making matters worse!